Saturday, June 20, 2015

Type 15 ShuttlePod Finished

The Type 15 Shuttlepod is officially finished!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Star Trek Axanar Concept Art.

My Blog Post from Star Trek Axanar is live and features one of the only concept art pieces I'm allowed to show publicly.

Except from the blog post:
Star Trek has been a part of my life since I can remember. Back in the early 80’s when I was a wee babe I fondly recall watching the reruns of the 70’s Star Trek cartoon on Saturday mornings and then reruns of TOS in the evening. My mom was a Trekkie from the 60’s so she explained all the characters and the whole back story.  She told me about the planets they visited and the mission of the Federation and how Star Trek was a positive, peaceful view of the future. I mean let’s be real, when I grew up in the 80’s Sci-fi was a pretty dark place: Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Robocop, and so on. Star Trek’s positive view of the future was unusual, enthralling, and very inspiring to my young, malleable mind.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Type 15 ShuttlePod Project Part 3


Major progress has been made in the past week!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

1/25 Scale Type 15 ShuttlePod Project

Recently when cleaning out my old hobby stuff I stumbled upon awesome 1996 Finescale Modeler article on building a Type 15 Shuttlepod. I just had to build it!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Quick Ares Update

She's been primed and had the base colors painted on. Next step, aztec decaling.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

1/1000 Scale Kobayashi Maru WIP 1

I always wanted to make a version of the Kobayashi Maru after seeing John Eaves sketches

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

1/1000 Illuminated Wrecked Starship Part 2

I was able to airbrush the entire model, start detailing the battle damage and begin the aztec decaling. hopefully only a few more days till completion.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Refit 1/1000 Ptolemy Class Part 4

The ship all built up, illuminated and ready for final detailing.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

1/1000 Illuminated Wrecked Starship Part 1

With so many projects on my bench lately I ended up having a stockpile of bits left over. So I had an idea for a quick fun project that ended up becoming a wee bit more.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Star Trek Axanar USS Ares 1/1000 Part 2

This Beautiful 1/1000 USS Ares Model has been fully lighted and is closed up, seams filled and ready to prime.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Star Trek Prelude to Axanar Blu-Ray Artwork

Recently Robert Meyer Burnett, Alec Peters and Christian Gossett hosted a contest on Facebook for a  donor to contribute designs that would become the cover of the Blu-ray disc. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Refit 1/1000 Ptolemy Class Part 3

Some extreme progress has been made on this ship.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Refit 1/1000 Ptolemy Class Part 2

An overview of the main pieces, saucer deflector dish and new neck

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Star Trek Axanar USS Ares 1/1000 Part 1

This is an awesome kit being produced by Starcraft Models for the Axanar Trek Film Project. It’s currently being produced and sold in limited numbers only available through the Axanar donors store.

Read more after the jump

Thursday, January 29, 2015

1/1000 Scale Excelsior NX-2000 Post 2

Work continues on the NX-2000

Read more after the jump

Monday, January 26, 2015

1/1000 Scale Excelsior NX-2000 Post 1

As my resurgence of Star Trek modeling continues, I've started creating an NX-2000 version of the Excelsior. There were several areas of the kit that needed to be made accurate and other areas that need to be converted to make it the NX version.

Read More After the Jump

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Refit 1/1000 Ptolemy Class

It’s been almost 2 years since I posted here. I took my regular hiatus from Trek Mdoels and have felt a resurgence lately. I broke down my mental barrier of “I cannot get into a another scale, 1/1400 is my only scale” and have moved into 1/1000 scale. So after the dust settled in my brain I freaked out and started setting up projects left and right. Now I have at least 5 1/1000 scale projects lined up.

Read More After the Jump